Healing In The Written Word
October 30th, 1970 was a day of which I will never forget; My precious mom, Berteal Waters went home to her eternal rest to be with the Lord. So here I am at the tender age of 15, now without a mother, feeling so distraught and just lost. I remember going into the washroom just so I could be by myself in an attempt to get away from all the grief which was now taking place in my home. In the midst of all that was going on, I heard," Why don't you just write about how you are feeling right now". I figured it had to be God or an angel, because there was no one else in there with me. That was the beginning of how I began to put things down on paper. Over the years, I wrote two series of poetry, "Songs of Expressions", and "Ministering Through the written Word", Copywrited but now are in the pending stages of being published, as well as 3 books. In 1985, Writing once again started the healing process for me, after I lost my only birth child, "Elana". At that particular time, I was attending "Touch Of Faith Ministries", out in Maywood, IL where my Pastors were Loyce and Richard Abbey; In the midst of a battle with depression, due to Mothers Day approaching, I had it set in my mind to write one tribute for Pastor Loyce Abbey,( also my spiritual Mom), until God said do one for this person and that person, and before I knew it I had written about 40 different tributes within two days. ( on a side note, I became known as,"that writer" of that church; but I would always tell others I am just an amateur writer, until God corrected me and told me to stop saying that- He said,"You are my writer".)Thus the healing process began again; In 1988, God sent my future husband, "George Parker" through those same church doors, but because of the healing process I was still going through, it was not until 1999 that we actually wed. (at Living Word Christian Center where we are now members since that time) Now I have a loving husband, a step-daughter, with three precious grand children. I am the 9th child out of 10 which my parents (Leon & Berteal Waters)had and also the twin, to "Beverly". My siblings, along with a host of nieces and nephews, relatives and friends, have constantly been on me about using the gift God gave me. I am the Editor of "Evelyns Column", which I started back in 2004, which was created mainly so that my family and relatives can keep in touch and share what is going on with us. I am a woman of God with a goal to encourage others, and to "Write the Vision" to let others know God is in the healing business, for whatever they may be dealing with, and one way he accomplishes it is through the written word.